Obama Backers Tied to Lobbies Raise Millions
Eric Lichtblau
New York Times
October 27, 2011
WASHINGTON — Despite a pledge not to take money from lobbyists, President Obamahas relied on prominent supporters who are active in the lobbying industry to raise millions of dollars for his re-election bid.
President Obama’s car, outside a fund-raising brunch for his campaign that Mr. Obama attended in Medina, Wash., in September.
David L. Cohen, who oversees lobbying efforts for Comcast, is a member of Mr. Obama’s exclusive $500,000 bundling club.
At least 15 of Mr. Obama’s “bundlers” — supporters who contribute their own money to his campaign and solicit it from others — are involved in lobbying for Washington consulting shops or private companies. They have raised more than $5 million so far for the campaign.